10.2024 - the Lead Inventory Summary Data has been uploaded for all water consumers to review. Please direct any questions to info@nwwatersystems.com
The safety requirements related to the treatment system are being reviewed by the Thurston County Fire Marshall and the final components will be installed after approval. Once the final fire inspection has been completed and passed, the materials to run the treatment will be ordered and startup of the treatment will begin.
2023 CCR has been uploaded for all water consumers to review. Please direct any questions to info@nwwatersystems.com
Current Update as of 2/21/2024
Construction of the building for the water treatment system is nearly complete. American Pump will install the water treatment system upon completion of construction.
Current Update as of: 8/14/2023
Construction plans are moving forward and permits are currently being perused.
Your 2022 CCR has been completed and is available for viewing.
Any Questions in regard to the CCR need to be directed to info@nwwatersystems.com